
Updated: 07/26/2005

Chatoo : chat without refresh

Chatoo use a forgotten tips in javascript to produce a revolutionnary chat in php. Without any database, you will have a complete chat tool with IRC command like. The chat doesn''t use any hidden iframe system and allow you to have a classic display chat WITHOUT visible refresh (the page doesn''t reload each time to get new message). With two level : master and client, you have a complete control of your chat with the possibiliy to create an infinity of channel. Chatoo is setup in less than 30 seconds in any server (windows, linux) with Php 4.3.x or more (compatible with PHP 5.x.x too). Chatoo can support all language and is fully customizable (html part and language file are easy to change). English files and Deutsch files are available. All other language can be easily included.