
Updated: 06/06/2005


AUTOMATIC BOOKMARKING CGI SCRIPT INCREASES RETURN TRAFFIC Automatic Bookmark is a cgi script that will automatically pop up a &"bookmark&" suggestion box for new people that visit your site for the first time. This Script increases the percentage of Return TRAFFIC! Unlike using straight javacode, the script will not &"annoy&" regular visitors or people that return to your site by popping up the window every time they return. The first time a new visitor hits your &"target page&" the bookmark window pops up but never again. This is a great way to get your site bookmarked by more visitors. You can also execute the script by using javascript (eg: close window type scripts) so if they quit their browser the bookmark window pops up. Also a great way to collect custom 404 (page not found) traffic by redirecting to this script.