
Updated: 10/25/2005

Pivo Ping Component

Pivo.Ping allows you to effortless enable your applications to send Internet Control Message Protocol (Ping/ICMP) packets in .NET. Programmatically ping a remote server, host, route, or any network device to see if it is up. Pivo.Ping fully supports RFC 792 standard. Pivo.Ping is a server component. It requires the Microsoft .NET runtime in order to function properly. Pivo.Ping is used to programmatically ping hosts on a network. A ''Ping'' is a technique for sending an ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) packet(s) to a remote host. If the remote host is up, and supports ICMP, a control message, or packet, will be sent back to the sender. This technique provides a mechanism for feedback about communication problems in a networked environment. Pivo.Ping abstracts this mechanism in an easy to use manner for the programmer.