
Updated: 02/26/2007


Whizzywig replaces a textarea on a form with a WYSIWYG rich text editor. It has a configurable toolbar and generates valid HTML/XHTML. Image and link browsers are available. Simple to install and tailor, it is feature rich, and very fast. Just 24k of JavaScript. The Whizzywig toolbar is simple to configure - just list the button you want, in the order you want them. You can even add your own buttons. You can specify your own CSS style sheet so that entries conform to your site''s house style. Users can paste in from applications like Microsoft Word and Whizzywig will clean up the HTML. Example server scripts - fully working web page editors - are available for PHP and ASP. Pop-up blockers do not hamper Whizzywig and installation is a snap. Complex tasks like table editing, often only supported in scripts several times this size, are included without the need for plug-ins. Language variants include French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Dutch. Now multi-area.