
Updated: 11/12/2005

FilTpl - Filnet Template

The script process recursively a template (given as a string) and a data structure (given as a tree of array of arrays). Syntax is the same as phplib , but behaves better on loops or optional blocks embedded. I developped it because I was tired of bug limitations of phplib or phpbb. A little brain-gym is required to build the tree array of datas, but the standarts php-array tools make it really flexibles. so, what is missing in this 30 lines script ? : -the ELSE part : maybe V2 -a less strict syntax : sorry -the class ornementation : useless -formatting modifiers on html side : I disagree with this features, the html file belongs to artist designer non-tech, php file belongs to developper tech. -little interface functions (load file, set_var..) : useless, just keep to the core The open structure conception make it easy to read and to adapt to any strange needs.