
Updated: 02/01/2006

ImageViewerPlus XL

ImageViewerPlus XL is a resizeable online image gallery for showcasing and viewing images in a professional and intuitive interface. The gallery is designed for displaying larger images at a maximum width of 650 pixels and a maximum height of 488 pixels. The entire gallery is designed at a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels. All configuration is done by editing a user friendly XML file. This would include options for the following: background image, sound file definition, gallery button labels and large image definitions. Gallery navigation buttons are automatically generated from the information contained in the XML file. Support for unlimited categories/galleries. Scroll feature is built in for scrolling menu buttons up or down when there are more buttons than the display area allows.
  • Categories
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Commercial License
  • Author
    • Flash Design Templates