
Updated: 02/21/2008


Tournamatch is a PHP powered Tournament and Ladder addon for your online gaming communities. Tournaments easily support virtually every game played with Tournamatch''s Game managment feature that adds content and organization to your website, as well as capabilities for single and double elimination, an endless number of players or teams, clean looking brackets, completely automated results reporting, unique tournament auto-starts, checkins, round experiations, the ability to check a matches validity, and a completely configurable Admin interface. The Ladder portion of this script also features easily and cleanly organized Game managment, three types of ladder scoring including points, ''rung-up'', and a 1600 based rating calculator, a challenging system, winner or losers reporting, match dispute system, match commenting, ability for admins to report and edit matches and create and edit players or teams. Get all of the features at Version v1.3 is now available!