
Updated: 12/13/2006


FlatForum is a fast, clean, and simple threaded forum that uses a flatfile database. It''s designed for people who have small to medium-sized websites and don''t want a huge, bloated forum like phpBB. Features: * Small and fast. The required files for FlatForum are less than 150k combined. * Uses an optimized flatfile database. Unlike most flatfile forums, FlatForum won''t bog down when your forum starts to get a lot of posts, because it doesn''t load the entire database for each page view. * Easy to customize. You don''t have to muck through the forum script to change the appearance. * Autolinking that WORKS (all URLs and email addresses). * Identical appearance in IE, Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, and Netscape. * Optional word filters (censors). * Advanced spambot protection without requiring user registration or captchas. * Free :)