
Updated: 01/30/2007

File Sharing (Turboupload Like)

TurboUload clone website Script is almost exactly like the popular services called turboupload ect. To use rotating servers, set the rotating servers field in the format: url1,url2,url3turboupload has to be installed in all the url''s listed in the field. When a user accesses the main location of turboupload on your domain, it will then randomly choose and redirect to one of the URL''s to use the turboupload installed at that location, to evenly spread the bandwidth between your servers. How it works: For the administrator : can limit the file sizes, file types, amount of times a file can be sent, put a time limit on the file and set the script to auto delete should any rules be broken. Can add advrtisements on each page or even For the visitor: He/she can send the file to anyone with an email address where the user clicks on a link sent by the system to allow for download. This software is packed with all the options found in the &"big sites&"