
Updated: 02/20/2007

Scriptomania, PHP IDE with HTML, JavaScript, MySQL support

Scriptomania is an HTML / PHP / MySQL / JavaScript editor used to design static as well as dynamic web pages, with the whole power of these languages combined together. Scriptomania allows you to build highly advanced web pages without the need of a great knowledge of the above languages, just a basic knowledge and an adequate PHP Help document from the web are sufficient as many snippets are given to you (as disabling right-click, redirection, status bar control, scrolling bars control and much more...). -Supports HTML/PHP/JavaScript/CSS/S QL -Completion hints -Completion proposal engines -Auto Completion engines -Fully customisable -Macros (Record what you are doing on Scriptomania then simply load it when you need it!!) -Test your PHP scripts with no server!! An error report is generated! -Tools Panel : allows you to add JavaScript/CSS/HTML/PHP snippets. -HTML Tidy corrects any HTML errors -Multi-language spell-checking -Arabic language support - And More...