
Updated: 05/13/2007

Upload Filter - Automatically Blocks Adult Image Spam

It''s a very common problem with webmasters. You run a website that allows users to upload their own pictures. Time and time again there''s always those people who abuse this privilege you''ve given them. They upload very inappropriate pictures that can be seen by anyone who comes across your site. You''ve worked hard bringing traffic to your domain and these pictures end up reflecting the overall image of your business. When do you finally discover and delete these images its often too late. Hundreds of potential customers have already seen them and are gone forever. Upload Filter integrates with you existing website and works by using a number of advanced detection layers to accurately classify a picture''s level of appropriateness. If Upload Filter determines that a picture isn''t acceptable for your site, it gets blocked from being uploaded. When a legitimate user uploads an acceptable picture, Upload Filter analyzes it, determine this it is ok and passes it through the filter.