
Updated: 10/05/2007

CodeIgniter for Rapid PHP Application Development

CodeIgniter (CI) is a powerful open-source PHP framework, built for PHP coders who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications. CodeIgniter is an MVC framework and is designed to enable, not overwhelm. The book explains how to work with CodeIgniter in a clear logical way. It is not a detailed guide to the syntax of CodeIgniter, but makes an ideal complement to the existing online CodeIgniter user guide, helping you grasp the bigger picture and bringing together many ideas to get your application development started as smoothly as possible. This book steps you through the main features of CodeIgniter in a systematic way, explaining them clearly with illustrative code examples. For more information, please visit odelgniter-php-applicatio n-development-mvc/book
  • Categories
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware
  • Author
    • David Upton