
Updated: 08/08/2007


actiTIME is a web based timesheet for small-to-mid size companies. It provides intuitive interfaces for time expenses collection and comprehensive reporting for billing and management purposes. With actiTIME you can easily keep track of the time spent on your customers projects and tasks. Some major features of actiTIME: (1) Co-workers can share information using daily task comments; (2) Support of billable and non-billable task types; (3) Individual access rights management; (4) Overtime and undertime calculations and reports; (5) Ability to Enter/Modify the time entered by employees; (6) Easy for integration with other software; (7) Ability to export data in CSV format; (8) Export invoice data for Intuit QuickBooks; (9) Support of different database platforms; (10) TOTALY FREE - NO LIMITATIONS... You can get full-functional version of time tracking software and receive all the product information at no charge. Download your copy of actiTIME v1.46!