
Updated: 11/14/2007

AddObject NlsCalendar Professional

NlsCalendar is state of the art AJAX enabled DHTML calendar control. Calendar is generated dynamically in browser, no server request is required. It is fast and responsive, compact interface design and customizable style provides professional calendar view or date time picker for your web application. NlsCalendar features includes basic calendar functions such as month/year navigation, flat and popup mode, any day as first day of week. The calendar also supports month/year drop down view to quickly navigate the calendar to specific date. &"Today&" function allows you to quicky return to current date by single click. Advanced features such as multiple date selection, disable date, special day and special event enhances the usability of the control. You can disable date selection, mark date as special day and define special event manually or programmatically. AJAX capability enrich the already long list of options available in NlsCalendar. Examples, documentation and support is provided.