
Updated: 02/22/2008

AJAX in a White Box

We have already laid out some of the loopholes that could be used by different hackers. In this article we will take a look at a very basic hack that could be done even by none-developers and how to prevent it. Personally, the biggest problem for any Ajax based developer is the transparency of the source code. To understand this let us take a look at different online applications that runs in a different language. An HTML application for example will only show you a source code with the input box and nothing else. That information is useless for hackers since it just translates a very small part of what they see. An HTML based application securely covers its source code and shows practically nothing. A hacker will probably use a sniffer (network traffic analyzer) but it will just show up some information on what server is used. In that point, a hacker may already create a hacking script but hackers will still have a long way to go through just to infiltrate an HTML-based website.