
Updated: 12/14/2007

actiTIME v1.5

actiTIME is a free time-tracking software for effective management and billing in small and mid-sized companies. Being a web based timesheet actiTIME is easy to access from any office computer. With this software you can collect time expenses for each particular customer and project and generate reports. Moreover, actiTIME supports UTF-8 character set so you can enter data in other languages besides English. Each actiTIME user is granted individual access rights and one of these allows the manager to enter and modify time-track of other users. Keeping track of over- and undertime and analyzing employees'' performance is simple with this timesheet. actiTIME also helps you bill your customers: it supports both billable and non-billable tasks and allows data export to QuickBooks. actiTIME helps to streamline daily work routine and avoid all-out efforts. You can get full-functional version of this time-tracking software at no charge. Download your copy of actiTIME v1.5!