
Updated: 12/18/2007

EMAN ENGINE STATS ranking and backclinks

Check your ranking, backlinks and indexed pages directly from your web site (NO DEPENDENCIES from other web sites), every time you desire or automatically (like cronjob). Check your Google Ranking and Alexa Ranking. Show the number of backlinks and the number of indexed pages from Google, Yahoo, Msn, Altavista, Alltheweb. Monitor the total value at a glance. Look at the differences between two checking, to monitor on real time your search engine visibility. Useful for web companion of submission and optimization on search engines. Is free ! To use these tools we only request to provide a recip link to our directory The script show also the Google last visit date on your web site and is protected with a login form included into the flash file. It is easy to use thanks to detailed informations of installation step by step. Server requirements : PHP version 4 or higher. Only php and flash. No db