
Updated: 06/26/2008

Simpli Easy File Share

Simpli Easy File Share is a fantastic way to give a link to clients or friends to enable them to be able to download your software, scripts or any file types you want without them being able to see where the file link came from. The Simpli Easy File Share has features such as timed downloads enabling you to set how many days it's available to them and along with some other great features included are maximum file size allowed, download time limits, short or long file name extensions and on top of all this it doesn't even require a database of any kind. The Simpli Easy File Share has a built in username and password to prevent others from being able to upload files to your server, so only you have access to upload files. You can easily disable it if you want and use it for other purposes if you like. Installation is a breeze and was designed for the novice web designer.