
Updated: 10/09/2008

Ancient script

Only English and Spanish alphabet available. Usage: 1) Import package called script.Script 2) Instantiate an object called Script as shown below: var scripter:Script = new Script(background, pen); * First parameter: the background * Second parameter: the pen (should be transparent), so you can use makeTransparent included function 3) Add the object to the main Sprite: addChild(scripter); 4) Methods: *setListener(listener:Fun ction):void - Set the listener char counter callback function, must be: public function charReader(char_n:int):vo id *write(char_number:int = 0,interval:int = 30):void -Start writing begining at char_number and interval milliseconds *getCanvas():Shape -Return canvas object. Usually used to set the line size *setScale(scale:Number):v oid -Sets the font scale *getPosition():Point -Return writing position *setPosition(x:int,y:int) :void -Sets writing position *getTextLength():int -Return text length *getText():String -Return the text
  • Categories
  • Platforms
    • Linux,
    • Windows,
    • FreeBSD,
    • Mac OSX,
    • Sun Solaris
  • Licenses
    • Commercial License
  • Author