Tags → Hit Counter Tutorial

Active users Hit Counter

Tutorial and Code - Active users Hit Counter - Finding Active Users on your Website

Basic PHP MySql Counter Tutorial

In this tutorial I will be showing you how to make a PHP hit counter using PHP and MySql. This is a basic text counter that will count every time your page is loaded...

Php Hit Counter

This tutorial is a fairly straightforward introduction to using MySQL with PHP. We''re going to build you a hit counter for your site. The coding is extremely simple, with a few variables, some if statements, perhaps a loop or two, and a few of ...

Simple Hit Counter Script Part 2

Final Part of the tutorial that helps your to build your own hit counter with some basic features. Consists of data for last 24 hours, No of users online for the past 5 minutes. It''s simple && effecitve

Simple Hit Counter Script Part 1

Part 1 of 2 Tutorial to create a hit counter using php/mysql. Some of the feature discussed in thi tutorial will be show no, of online, unique visitor , visit log && etc. A good && practical tutorial for begineers.

Using ASP and javascript together

This basic tutorial will show you how to include information in a non-asp page information generated from an .asp page by using javascript. A banner rotator script and a text hit counter are used as examples.