Ruby on Rails → Tips and Tutorials

Ruby on Rails for DB2 developers

IBM DeveloperWorks has a helpful howto on how to bring the worlds of Ruby on Rails and your DB2 framework together. From the article: ''Because Rails emerged from the open source world, until recently you had to use MySQL or PostgreSQL to work w...
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Rails Best Practices, Tips and Tricks

Because Rails is a young framework, I thought it would be helpful to write up what I consider best practices when coding with it both for my new coworkers and the web at large. Here&’s my current draft. Feel free to critique and comment...
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Set up Ruby on Rails in Windows

Here''s a quick Howto on setting up Ruby on Rails for Windows.
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Beginning Relationships in Rails

The Rails framework takes most of the headache away from developing these relationships and almost entirely eliminates the need to write low-level queries to your database. If you''ve spent time writing those queries, Rails'' ActiveRecord w...
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Ruby on Rails on Oracle: A Simple Tutorial

This article is not intended to be a booster piece for Rails nor is it an expose. It&’s simply an introduction to the technology. It contains both praise and criticism. At times the criticism might appear a bit heavy handed (especially ...
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Ruby on Rails on Oracle: A Simple Tutorial

This article is not intended to be a booster piece for Rails nor is it an expose. It&’s simply an introduction to the technology. It contains both praise and criticism. At times the criticism might appear a bit heavy handed (especially ...
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Introduction to Ruby for Mac OS X

Applie included Ruby with the Jaguar OS. In this article, Jim explains how to use this pure object oriented scripting language by exploring Ruby''s features.
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Fast-track your Web apps with Ruby on Rails

This article details the components of Rails and shows you how it works.Rails gives you an extremely quick way to develop flexible Web applications; this introduction just barely touched on what it''s like to work with Rails. The full framework ...
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    • Linux
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Distributing Rails Applications

In this tutorial, we''ll go through the following steps: Setup the environment Create the SQLite database Develop the Rails application Create the RBA (= Ruby archive) from the application with Tar2RubyScript Create the standalone exec...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

Understanding Controllers in Ruby-on-Rails

This tutorial will focus on the ActionController. The first sections will cover the services provided by ActionController and the techniques to access them. The final section will provide insight into using these techniques in the real world.
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware
