- 1,251 categories
- 40,829 scripts
Unit Miner is robust, flexible and easy to use system for monitoring, retrieving and mining content from from web sites, documents, or any non-structured source of data.
Unit Miner provides the industry''s best solution for data mining. This n...
- Weather Watcher will fetch your local weather and
display it for you in three different ways. You get
two small displays suitable for side-banners, one
shows the temperature and a graphic depictiong current
sky conditions, the others shows...
- You may register for free && Add a link to your Website from our Visitors'' Planning board.
This program forces your Visitor to set his real E-mail Address as it automatically interferes with the password registration, the Visitors se...
- Olympics 2004 Medals Table is a script that grabs Olympics 2004 medals table from bbc.co.uk and displays the result on your website.
- Queries the NationStates.net servers and returns your current nation status.
- Thanks to Weather.com''s free XML service, you can let visitors on your site get the forecast (up to 10 day) and current conditions for any city they offer. Now with AJAX and cookies to save user selections. Data is cached in a MySQL table (Weat...
- This stock exchange module works with the Ciamos CMS. Please visit our website to download the latest release of Ciamos.
You can view the current stock price of any stock, with results coming directly from Yahoo! Stocks. Very nice interface!
- Visitors may publish or encode in realtime their comments like in a blog, the page is a subindex to many free scripts [chmod, hotlink, htaccess, errordocument etc] written in PHP and in JavaScript [promotion with cookies], the planningboard code its...
- PHProxy is a web HTTP (for now; FTP is not supprted yet) proxy programmed in PHP designed to bypass firewalls and other proxy restrictions through a web interface very similar to the popular CGIProxy. School/country/company blocked your favorite webs...
- This script get data from weather.yahoo.com and insert information to your text file. You need just include this file in website.
You can see demo at our website.