- 1,251 categories
- 40,829 scripts
- Scrambling text by add fake text in between chunks of real text. A good alternative to encryption making letters and numbers unreadable with PHP pure scripting.
Can be used to protect variables like Cookies, Sessions, GET and POST from page to ...
- dicap Basic is the next generation captcha solution for your web application. Two features make dicap a unique and valuable solution for you:
1. The captcha is easy readable for the users.
2. It is very hard to computer-read the captcha and trans...
- Click Captcha Version 1.2: Click Captcha is a randomly generated square gif file that is dynamically displayed in a random area below form.
Requirements - php &>= 4.3 with GD support.
- This class can be used to log activity to a database.
It can add activity entries to a log database table. It logs the activity prority level and class, the remote user identifier (if logged) and its computer IP address.
Optionally it can...
- This is a PHP IP blocker program that will log the IP address of anyone who accesses the page and the time the page was accessed and wont let them come back for a set time limit. You can set the time limit to whatever you want.
- Manipulation of parameters, Cross Site Scripting, SQL Injection, Session hacking - there are many ways to attack a websites integrity for evil purposes. And it is note easy to imagine every way hackers are trying to manipulate your web code. This app...
- Math Version see below
The Goal of our CAPTCHA SCRIPT is to stop spammers, and automated programs or scripts from making post and/or submitting an online form. There are many free tutorials out there on accomplishing this process, ours sets u...
- This web 2.0 script is very easy to install and you can add it to your site in less than one minute. It is built with AJAX and it doesn''t require PHP or MySQL, it''ll work on any HTML page.
- Injection Scanner is a PHP-based script that parses the query strings in a URL. By comparing the query string to known injection and remote execution exploits, it can effectively secure a webpage from being exploited. When an exploit is detected, t...
- phpGuardian encodes PHP source code and logs the server information to check if the script is running in another server. This can be useful in the event that the script has been duplicated without authorization. In response, it can then optionally ex...