- 1,251 categories
- 40,829 scripts
- This component makes it easy to create attractive transitions where repeated shapes expand in sequence to reveal artwork. Several effect types are available and you can use any solid-color shape as the base shape the component. A MultiMask may also b...
- The vScroller is a continuous vertical scrolling component that is controlled by XML. The appearance of the vScroller can be adjusted by setting the attributes in the XML, the speed and direction of the scrollers, colours of the scrollers...to name b...
- This is an image gallery Flash component with thumbnails, preloader, and descriptions of the images. To add files and projects, all you have to do is copy the images to the appropriate directories.
This uses PHP to automatically generate an XML fil...
- Burble Flash Music Player is a high interactive flash MP3 player for web sites in which you can control most of features through a visual interface using Dreamweaver, so you don t need advanced skills to use it. This player has a really attractive de...
- Create Flash photo galleries using a simple XML file very quickly. Includes samples and component file.
- IMG Loop Flash Component creates continuous image scroll. Component supports XML, RSS 2.0 as well as direct data input. All of the component properties can be modified to seamlessly integrate with your project.
Multiple Scroll Directions
- This flash music player is suitable for web sites with dark designs. There are two visualization modes for the player: with the playlist or without it. Using the player without the playlist saves a lot of space allowing inserting it in a thin horizon...
- InputDraw is a cross-browser, fast, simple to integrate widget to use in your forms as a drawing tool and everywhere else as a viewer.
It uses SVG as a describing language of drawing. Being a standard, SVG can afterwards be use be a large number of...
- Platforms
- Licenses
- Commercial License,
- Free for non-commercial use
- The crifano puzzle component is able to load external images or image from the library.
You can set a grid virtually infinite.
It is a standard extension for Macromedia Flash 8.
You simply install the MXP file and then you drag && drop ...
- This component is a MP3 web music player created using flash and packed as Dreamweaver extension. Green metallic style with strong bright colors. The buttons have standard locations and icons that facilitate their use. This mp3 flash music player has...