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- 40,829 scripts
- For Dreamweaver MX programmers who create dynamic websites, MX Looper Suite is a collection of Commands and Server Behaviors for the PHP, ASP and ColdFusion server models that create complex repeated regions. Unlike the Macromedia default repeat regi...
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- CFTAGLIB is a simple methodology that is focused on organizing ColdFusion custom tags in a logical manner. It also has a main focus of providing ColdFusion developers with easy to use documentation on the ColdFusion custom tags we develop.
- Cold Fusion custom tag to display news from Yahoo''s XML news feed
utilizing RSS (Really Simply Syndication). There are several parameters available to change the news and its presentation.
- verveCFGetURL is a ColdFusion Custom Tag that gets the full URL of the page the tag is on, including all QueryString variables.
- verveCFNumToLett is a ColdFusion custom tag that converts numbers to letters. For example, the number 3 would convert to &"c&".
verveCFNumToLett is typically used when you need ...
- This tag creates a custom select (drop down menu) with many flexible options. It lets you:&<br&>&<br&>
1. Choose to display a drop down menu of countries (pre populated for you!).&<br&&a...
- This tag creates a custom text area with many flexible options. It lets you:&<br&>&<br&>
1. Choose a background color, text color, text font family, text font size. All for text in the text area.&&...
- Using DynamicMS 1.0, you can generate Microsoft Word/Excel/PowerPoint reports to represent your data from a database. All you have to do is send a query name to this tag with formatting options on how you want your data to be laid out, and you will s...
- Refer to our web site for documentation, examples, and to test it yourself.
This is a great tag for those who want to generate PDF/PS/HTML files instantly. It supports many features including:
1. Page breaking
2. Footer and header ...
This utility will allow you to encrypt or decrypt
your ColdFusion templates. In addition, you have
the ability to encrypt/decrypt entire folders, and
sub folders. You can also use the FILE FILTER to