ASPTips and Tutorials → Database-related

Printing Headers on every page of a report (from a database)

The author writes &"Recently I was asked to develop a web based report that would collect data from a database, format it in an HTML page and then print a certain number of rows on each page with a column header on each page. This solution s...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

Interrogating a Stored Procedure with ADO

This article describes how to use the refresh method of the ADO Parameters collection to interrogate a stored procedure. It shows how to create the code in an automated fashion for use in VBScript connecting to MS SQL Server 7.
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

SQLServerTools Object

This example shows how to get a list of all current tables in the database, get a list of dependent stored procedures for each table and do it all in a stored procedure.
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

AddCriteria Simplifies SQL Queries

AddCriteria is a small function that simplifies the code needed to produce a SQL query from a set of optional criteria posted by a user. This article explains how to use this function.
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

Database Editing Sample

This is a quick sample code which combines a number of database functions into one script. Includes functions to add, delete, and edit records in a database table. It illustrates a number of useful techniques for database manipulation.
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

Creating Custom Hierarchical Recordsets

This article covers two advanced ADO topics: creating hierarchical Recordsets (via data shaping) and creating custom Recordsets. Specifically, this article looks at how to create custom hierarchical Recordsets. The reader is required to have a fluid ...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

Using SQL-DMO To Backup and Verify a Database

This article shows you how to use SQL-DMO to create an Active Server Pages application to backup and verify a SQL Server database. The SQL Distributed Management Objects (SQL-DMO) extend the functionality of SQL Server by providing developers a way t...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

Turn foreign keys into list boxes

The author writes &"CoverYourASP''s original database administration tool didn''t look for foreign keys, and just displayed a confusing list of primary key values. Now, it''s been improved with automatically generated list box...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

What''s in an ADO Connection String?

This article explains ADO connection strings and parameters. By the end of the article you should be able to build appropriate ones on your own instead of cutting and pasting them.
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

Display Table Script Writer

This is a Web-based script writer that generates an ASP code for displaying an Access or SQL Server database using user-submitted variable names and the name of the table. Copy the output code into an asp document on your web server and your db is re...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Freeware
