ASPScripts and Components → Security Systems


If you have a classic asp application that is not secured against SQL injection attacks then SecureRequest is the way to go! By replacing the original request object you have full control of all data that the user may manipulate. You can filter, ba...
  • Platforms
    • Windows
  • Licenses
    • Commercial License,
    • Free Trial

SQL Injection Blocker

Inspyre''s SQL Injection Blocker is a server-side component (COM Object) designed to stop the nasty. ongoing SQL injection attacks that dynamic sites get daily. If your database has been hacked with Javascript references, mysterious tables, or e...
  • Platforms
    • Windows
  • Licenses
    • Commercial License

IP Guardian v1.0

IP Guardian is designed to be an easy to use IP filtering system to secure your ASP pages against unauthorized visitors. You simply enter the IP addresses into the program and it does the rest. Statistics will show you how many times a bann...
  • Platforms
    • Windows
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

CJWSoft Captcha System

How many times have you gone to a site only to be presented with a CAPTCHA image so distorted that it took you 3 tries just to get by it? Well, instead of relying on distorted images that are hard for even a human to read I decided to create a CAPTCH...
  • Platforms
    • Windows
  • Licenses
    • Commercial License

ASP Security Input And Output Filter

This script provided multiple functions for verifying input. This can be usefull when the supplied input is passed into an sql-query. Furthermore , this scripts also provided output filtering. It contains an equivalent to the PHP''s HTML-Entitie...
  • Platforms
    • Windows
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

TeleportJobs free captcha

TeleportJobs free captcha verification system allows you to verify that your visitors are actually human before they submit your forms. This captcha system uses a JavaScript to send the verification string to our servers and then receive a JSON respo...
  • Platforms
    • Linux
  • Licenses
    • Other Free / Open Source License

ASP Form Image Code Verification Script (using ASPJpeg)

What follows is a very simple asp code verification system using the excellent ASPJpeg component to create the imag. It is designed to prevent automatic submission of forms by automated baddies / spammers. A working example of this can be see on my c...
  • Platforms
    • Windows
  • Licenses
    • Commercial License,
    • Free for non-commercial use


ASPired2Encode is a CAPTCHA system for adding anti spam protection to your forms. ASPired2Encode uses a distorted image that the user must decode to proceed with the form. This prevents computers from automatically entering data into your forms. This...
  • Platforms
    • Windows
  • Licenses
    • Freeware

A free CAPTCHA test using the ASPImage component. It generates the images dynamically using a combination of letters and numbers.
  • Platforms
    • Windows
  • Licenses
    • Freeware


Unique Security Code Images produced on the fly to protect web forms from automated spam and bots. 100% ASP, no DLL''s or Active X required! Easy to configure colours, noise levels, and distortion levels. ABBYY FineReader 9.0 Pro OCR was unable ...
  • Platforms
    • Windows
  • Licenses
    • Freeware
