Tags → Status Javascript

Profit Protector

This tool generates HTML pages encapsulating your affiliate links in Javascript to protect them from abuse by thiefware. It also hides the affiliate link from showing in the status bar of internet browsers.


FINALLY....our popular HTML encryption service is now available as a stand alone program. It is enhanced even beyond our original service to incorporate the next evolution of protection for all your HTML code, Javascript and even meta tags, its your ...

0ds StatusBarClock

This script displays the clock time in the status bar. The script includes a HTML code generator that allows to change parameters without any knowledge of JavaScript and HTML programming.

0ds Dailystatusbar

This script displays a different status bar for every day of the week. The script includes a HTML code generator that allows to change parameters without any knowledge of JavaScript and HTML programming.

Jftp (Java FTP Multiple File Upload / Download Applet)

Jftp provides you with the ease of uploading and downloading files over the internet via FTP from within your very own web enabled applications. Jftp has methods to get the status of the transfer, running javascript method after transfer, changing fi...


A JavaScript function that displays the day, date and time in the status bar of the user browser. A demo can be seen at Instructions are commented in the .html file. Simply copy and paste the code between the head ta...

DS StatusBarBounce

This script displays a bounce-text in the status bar. The script includes a HTML code generator that allows to change parameters without any knowledge of JavaScript and HTML programming.

DS StatusBarShoot

This script displays a shoot-text in the status bar. The script includes a HTML code generator that allows to change parameters without any knowledge of JavaScript and HTML programming.

Hide status bar message I

This JavaScript allows you to hide the status bar message from appearing when the mouse moves over certain links.

Hide status bar message II

A JavaScript to disable the status bar message from appearing on all links, indiscriminately.
