Tags → Script Example

Easy personalization - login script and basic customization

Using an asp file and an Access database, this short example code demonstrates how to create a user login script with customizable personalization feature.


This is a number guessing game script which let users to guess/pick a number between 1 and 100. This example script written in PHP demonstrates the usage of sessions.

Search Many Sites from One Location

A short ASP example script for redirecting user input for the search terms to a selected search engine. Using response.redirect, it allows users to search any given number of search engines with just a few mouse clicks.

SimplytheBest DHTML scripts and JavaScripts

This site provides a large collection of selected DHTML scripts and JavaScripts. Each script is shown with an example and detailed explanation. Easy to copy and use.

Survey your readers

This is a multiple question survey example done in ASP. It includes a survey form script, script that processes the form, and a set of database functions for recording the data.

Are You Being Served? An Introduction to PHP

Trying to decide which server-side script is best for you? Get the scoop on PHP from the master herself, Julie Meloni in this special hands-on tutorial. It covers a brief introduction to PHP, system requirement, and a couple of example codes.

Schlabo''s Scripts - Comic of the Week (COW)

Schlabo''s Comic of the Week can show multiple pictures (for example comic-episodes) on a weekly or even daily base, complete with archive. It features: Assign comics for as long into the future as you want - The script will only let the visitor...

Simple File Parsing (Weather example)

This tutorial explains how to parse a given text file and display specific content using PHP. The presented example shows how to parse a weather information for your desired city. It also includes a shell script for downloading the weather data text ...

Search by Angelos Karageorgiou

This is a Web site indexer and search engine CGI script written in Perl. It consists of a batch file wrapper for the file system traverser and indexer cgi script for your web site. It also includes a little html example and a script to dump the conte...

Image Temple for GKSaue (ITG)

ITG is a small example script for using HTML Templates in this case for thumbnail handling.
