Tags → Script Email

IntraLinks MailingList

MailingList is a Perl script to manage a simple text file email mailing list. It is designed for Email newsletters, and the like where only the administrator sends email, not for group participation lists. It is highly configurable for easy integrati...

E-Postcard Address Book

Integrates seamlessly with any postcard script to give users their very own secure personal address book accessible with the click of a button from your postcard composition page. Users can create their address book by entering a few pieces of info a...


This collection of scripts will assist you to start and manage an affiliates program for your site. Just put the files on your server and start receiving visits. Affiliates link to you and earn by unique clicks they generated. You define the amounts ...

Spam Protect

Protect your email address. Using a simple code you can fool email robots into not indexing your email address. The Spam Protect script allows you to hide your email address from spammers.

TD Keno

Offer your website visitors and regulars an engrossing version of the popular casino game Keno without the monetary risk. TD Keno updates and tracks users scores and uses true casino Keno odds. Users login via their email so you could also use the ...

TD Forum

TD Forum is an unthreaded messageboard script which can provide the perfect vehicle for messaging on your website. Features include: custom 3D graphics buttons, or mode, Administrator auto-identify and Admin IP blocking, posts are tracked numerically...

Alex''s Append

Append is a perl script which appends all the form entries to a file for later processing. It also has the ability to mail people with the input to the form as well. The format of the file is almost HTML and most browsers should be able to read the...


MemberManager takes a character separated file, sorts the whole thing by whichever field you like and creates an HTML file for each letter of the alphabet with contents of each file also sorted. It also automatically hyperlinks any email address in t...

GuzZzt MassMail

With this script can you send a lot of personal mails to a big list of email accounts at one time. You can invite people to your site or send a merry christmas mail to all your friends. It''s very easy to use and to setup.

This script allows users to send you email via browser. It simply processes and mails the content of any HTML form to an email address you specify.
