Tags → Php Tutorial

Accessing the Command Line From PHP

This tutorial will explain the different methods of accessing the system command line from a PHP script. Being able to run external programs can come in handy, and fortunately there are multiple functions that will do this. We will explain the differ...

Creating a CAPTCHA in PHP with GD

A CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a system designed to test if input is originating from a human or a computer. This tutorial will explain how to make your own CAPTCHA using PHP and the bundled ...

Creating an Upload Progress Bar in PHP with APC

This tutorial will explain how to create an AJAX progress bar for PHP file uploads. There is no method build into PHP for returning the status of an upload in progress, so this requires a module called the Alternative PHP Cache (APC). This allows you...

Create custom backups from your website using cURL

Create a backup script and execute the PHP script using a CRON job. This tutorial is for webmasters if the websites control panel has only capabilities to create full site backups and/or where the access via SSH is disabled.

AJAX +Web 2.0 Speed Up the Web

In the AJAX tutorial below we will demonstrate how a web page can be loaded+redered 10 time faster using ajax. Tutorial,examples source code available. At the and you can find a full working Ajax Web 2.0- PHP example.
