Tags → Php Images

Appgini PHP Generator For MySQL

Appgini PHP Generator For MySQLInstantly create multi-user PHP web database interfaces that let users view, sort, search and edit data of a MySQL database easily from a single web page. You have total control over how users can interact with your data. Display database contents to...

PHP Image Uploader Random Image Name

This PHP script allows only gifs and jpegs to be uploaded and renames them to a random number. Allows up to five images to be uploaded.

JPETo_pack_images (Free Version)

This PHP script allows you to pack all images from the current directory into an archive called index.php; access one of these images by calling index.php?pic=[PICNAME]; list all images in the archive; and unpack all images. Please note that the PHP ...

TeeKai''s Guestbook

This is a clean-interfaced guestbook script written in PHP and JavaScript. It features emotion face images that you can use to display your feeling. Also includes an admin section where you can delete unwanted messages. You can also edit, reply and d...

GraphiCookie Counter

GraphiCookie Counter is a graphical counter written in PHP. It uses a cookie to identify your visitors not to count them twice. You can use your own images and define the cookie lifetime. v1.2: optimized for PHP 4.2.X v1.3: new setup section.


MyPHPsite is a browser based, php driven, mysql backed site management package. It includes a browser based install script, member registration and feedback forms. MyPHPsite generates a configurable, extensible page layout and populates it with data ...

On The Fly Counter

A simple PHP script that generates a counter on the fly using the GD library. No actual images are used.


phpLiveChat allows you to chat LIVE one-on-one with your customers via your website. Instantly notifies you when someone wants to chat, notifies you when a user leaves chat session, and online/offline images change on the fly. It can handle multiple ...

HTMLSpinnr''s Photo Display

Based on Martin''s Photo Frame, this script takes jpg images from a directory and displays them in a neat and orderly fashion. This script will automatically generate thumbnails using a seperate frame, and depending on the size of the original, ...

Image Create for PHP

Image Create for PHP is a stand-alone script that allows you to create dynamic text images easily. Features: A Boolean flag for anti-aliasing, new PNG, JPEG and WBMP (for WAP phones) formats in addition to original GIf support, a Boolean flag for HTT...
