Tags → Images Script

GUTENBERG Text and Image Slide Presenter

Combination typer, image presenter, news ticker, story board, and more; highly configurable and adaptable... Features multi-image support, each positionable; multiple images per page, transparencies, and overlays. Sound cues supported: 5 sounds &...


ARCW is CGI script for organizing your own Web-chat with multiple channels, multi-level operators, admin section, and internal help for chatters. Key features include: Support puplic and private messages, System keeps messages sent to user when he is...

JS Double RollOver Creator

This tool will generate a Double JavaScript MouseOver script that you can copy and paste in to your HTML documents. With this script, and four images, you can create an amazing rollover effect. All images must be the same size and in GIF format.

Image Helper

Got a huge directory of images and need to figure out what''s in there? Just FTP this PHP script into any directory of images and it will cycle through every image in the directory (visually) using your browser and show you the filenames and dis...

JS MouseOver Generator

This form will generate a JavaScript MouseOver script that you can copy and paste in to your HTML documents. With this script, and two images, you can create MouseOver buttons. Both images must be the same size and in GIF format. The images should be...


If you have image directories shared by several different pages and would like to organize them so that a unique image directory is used for each page, this script may provide a solution. It takes a shared image directory and makes a new page-unique ...


This is a perl script that will autogenerate thumbnails given a directory of images. it can generate multiple sizes based on reduction factors that you pass to it and does not require that that all the images be of the same size.

POD (Picture of the Day)

The POD script is a [P]icture [o]f the [D]ay script that will display a random image on a given page. The image changes every day from a pool of images in a directory of your choosing. The image files can have any name and do not need to be sequentia...

Active Server Paint

Active Server Paint is an ActiveX DLL that can be run on Internet Information Server to dynamically create images and bitmaps using programmatic control. The Active Server Paint Component brings tremendous power and flexibility to Web server administ...

Random Image with Link

This JavaScript allows you to generate a random image with link. It does require some customization so only experienced developers should use it. You will need to change link information, image information, and the number of images the script can di...
