- 1,251 categories
- 40,829 scripts
- Written by Tessa Blakely Silver, Joomla! Template Design is a complete guide for web designers to all aspects of designing unique website templates for the free Joomla! PHP Content Management System.Joomla! Template Design is a well-crafted, easy-to-...
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- Crypographp is a free PHP script for install a CAPTCHA on your web site: forms for example.
It''s a Open Source project. Compatible with PHP 4/5/6 www.cryptographp.com
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- Exchanging links with websites related to yours will not only help increase your sites link popularity, but it will also increase your web sites search engine rankings and free targeted traffic.
Exchanging links (also known as reciprocal linkin...
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JavaScript Spell Check is a comprehensive spell checking component for JavaScript. JavaScript Spell Check is compatible with AJAX, ASP, ASP.NET, DHTML and WC3 HTML and XHTML. It is also compatible with almost all modern web browsers. A Free Trial i...
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- Create perfect, professional looking web forms in minutes. Handles validation, totals, conditions, math functions. Use it for order forms, contact forms, expense reports, surveys, reservation forms, application forms. Easy to learn since it uses Ex...
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- ZZEE Human Pictcha is a protection in a form of an image (a captcha), which can be embedded inside your web forms, and which will filter out various forum spam, guestbook spam, form spam, signup spam, password attacks, etc. It is a library and a set ...
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- A free web based calendar built using Flash so that it is fast and does not require any forms when creating events. Demo the calendar on the site.
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- PhotoFreway.com is the webs only Free Photo Sharing site where you can upload as many photos as you like and create unlimited photo albums.
Create your free account and instantly get your own web address to give to all your friends and family. ...
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- VB.NET 2005 Free Training: Using Application Class and Message Class - Visual Basic 2005 introduces a speedy way to access many important classes relating to the Computer on which the application is running, the user running it, the application itsel...
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- Tigra Form Validator is free JavaScript component performing client side form validation. With its rich feature set the script can be used with HTML forms of virtually any complexity. This component is a simple way to improve visitors'' experien...
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