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- CHECK THIS ONE OUT! eNewsViews is the most configurable news forum available. By combining a news CMS, blog and forum into a single application, eNewsViews gives you the flexibility to create the application you want. The eNewsViews Skin Painter can ...
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- Most people probably have seen those forum signatures that show your IP and other information inside a picture. You might be wondering how in the world is it done. Well this script will do it for you you. You can make it so the image changes, and the...
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- This single-file script takes posts from a specified XMB forum and displays them whereever the script is included. Easily customized and uses the XMB postify() function to parse URL''s and BB code.
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- This Forum Script alows you to right and view topics with phph and mysql it is verysimple as for it is only the beta alot more Features to come
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- This script allows you to host a guestbook on your site, driven by a MySQL Database, that allows your users to upload a photo or image file with their entries. The photos'' thumbnail images are displayed next to the text entry && hyp...
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- The importance of removing images from being posted of your forum is not only related to page load time, but security as well. Anyone is capable of using bbcode''s [IMG] function to see information (such as user IP, Browser info, anything an adm...
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- This is a new script on TUFaT.com. FlashBB is exactly what the title suggest: a Flash 7 forum / bulletin board. It has many of the same features that more traditional bulletin boards, like phpBB, have, but sports a sleek Flash interface, with NO PAGE...
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- MiPhoto is an advanced photo rating (HotOrNot) and/or dating website script with VIDEO support! With an integrated payment system, members can purchase memberships to access different features on the site, control by the administrator. MiPhoto also a...
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Matchmaking Site Script will give you the following benefits: 1) Unique personals site, 2)User-friendly interface, 3) Powerfull administration panel, 4) Ability to be integrated with other cms related scripts, 5) 6 templates to choose from. Mathcmaki...
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- With just one CGI Perl script ForumScript.co.uk is a simple to install and easy to use Discussion Forum script for small and medium sized websites. You don''t need any complicated database system or hundreds of files to get this working.
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