- 1,251 categories
- 40,829 scripts
- TEST DRIVE - Try it before you buy it 15 day test drive. SPECIAL OFFER - Special promotion code for HotScripts visitors only. GUARANTEE - 90 day money back guarantee PLUS $5 in addition to money back. Multiple levels of spam control. ATTACHMENTS - ...
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- Commercial License,
- Free Trial
- Recursively converts all html email addresses (including mailto links) into JavaScript email links within your website, so that those nasty spam bots can''t gather email addresses from your website. The script goes through each directory recurs...
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Add the world''s most powerful cross browser, web based WYSIWYG HTML Editor into your content management system, forum, email application or any other web-based app. Optimized for loading speed, integrates in 5 lines of code, powerful PHP and Ja...
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- Commercial License,
- Free Trial
- Email Riddler is JavaScript tool that encrypts and transform your email address into a series of numbers when displaying it on your site, making it virtually impossible for spam harvesters to crawl and add your email to their list. Highly compact and...
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- Use this JavaScript to validate Email addresses on the client-side. To validate an Email address, use the function in the following manner: isEmail(someEmailAddress). The function returns true if the Email is valid, else the function returns false. T...
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- The CJ Send Page PopUp script is a relatively simple &"link sender via form to your mates email script.&" The script can be used on php, ssi or even plain html pages. All you have to do is upload a few files and create a popUp JavaS...
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- Bots and spam mechanisms are capable of picking email address up from HTML source code - Use a Javascript to form your email addresses and kiss spam bots goodbye.
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- Have scientists answer peoples questions for instance. This is a heavily dynamic application based on access 2002 db. You can easyily change it to fit your personal needs. Enjoy dynamic drop down boxes, ability to search questions && answers,...
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- If like me, you are fed up of receiving spam through your email addresses that are posted on your websites, then this is just what you need. Simply enter your email address in the spaces provided and click on the ''continue button'' and you...
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- Antiadbuster Pro is a server side application that protects your website from Ad Blockers, Popup Blockers, Cookie Blockers, Offline Leechers and Grabbers, Email Harvesters and JavaScript Blockers. Written completely in PHP, Antiadbuster Pro not only ...
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